This ancient Christian symbol represents in simple, compact form the central mystery of our faith -
the triumph of Christ's Cross over the powers of this world.
It is the sign which declares:
Stat Crux dum volvitur orbis.
(The Cross stands firm while the world turns.)
could this traditional Christian symbol be used as a design
for a monastery of contemplative nuns observing papal enclosure?
The answer is "YES" thanks to the Holy Spirit, who not only gave the inspiration but also sent dedicated architects who were able to bring it to completion.
An early architectural rendering of our monastery
The Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy
Belleville, Illinois, U.S.A.,
gives a unique material witness to the centrality of the Cross
in the Christian life and in the contemplative life.
The ORB part of the monastery
contains the public chapel and our monastery choir,
symbolizing the world-wide dimensions
of our enclosed life of prayer.
At the very center is the tabernacle, proclaiming that Jesus in the Eucharist is both the center of the world and the center of our Poor Clare life.
The beautiful "grape-vine" grille
which separates the chapel from the choir is a physical reminder of our joyful "going apart" with the Lord,
so as to offer our prayer and penance in union with Him for the salvation of the world.
The CROSS part of the building holds our monastic living quarters.
The simplicity of line and space well serves our cloistered lifestyle
and bears eloquent witness to our Mother St. Clare's understanding
of the place of the Cross in the life of her Order.
In following this great daughter of the Church, we seek to proclaim
by our hidden life that the Cross of the Lord has been revealed
as the Tree of Life, the source of grace and salvation for the entire human family.